Where and when to see the return of the Kyan Khojandi series?

In the 2010s, it is impossible to escape: Brief is everywhere. This series carried by Kyan Khojandi marked an entire generation. In total, we were able to revel in 82 episodes of about 3 minutes each to follow a hard -hitting narrator, endearing and a little lost in their thirties freshly acquired.

Since the end of Briefit happened, things. In 2025, the depressive character embodied by Kyan Khojandi was back. Today, he approaches quarantine. And he always has things to say about the world. We tell you everything about the new season of Brief.

What is a short 2?


We left the main character of Brief After a dark period, when he re-ethicized with his roommate Baptiste. But what about a decade later? While Brief We offered beautiful slices of humor and interesting reflections on the absurdities of everyday life, in particular, this new season promises an always sharp look at existence. We’re going to laugh, that’s for sure, but not only. At 40, the protagonist calls into question and always wonders about his relationship to his parents, friends, romantic relationships or parenting. What to talk to fans of Brief Who, like Kyan Khojandi, have played well in ten years.

When is the new season of Brief?

The return of Brief is imminent. And that’s good. A few days ago, funny posters appeared in the metro. Something to put the chip in the ear. It is now official: the new season of Brief is available from the February 14, 2025.

Where to see season 2 of Brief?

Do not expect to discover this new season of Brief On Canal+, she will not be there. Against all expectations, the series initially broadcast on the paid television channel during the Grand Journal returns to … Disney+. Definitely, the divorce between the Mickey and Canal+ streaming platform is severe. After having won the exclusive broadcast of the Oscars and obtained the authorization to broadcast his films 9 months after their release in the cinema, Disney+ resumes an emblematic series of the Canal+ catalog.

Thus, season 2 of Brief will be to be discovered on Disney+. Besides, you can discover or rediscover the first season on the Mickey streaming platform in order to immerse yourself in the cult universe of Kyan Khojandi and Bruno Muschio.

Look on Disney+

What format for brief 2?

It is certainly the biggest change concerning season 2 of Brief. Far from micro-episodes of one to three minutes, this new vintage will be made up of six episodes of about thirty minutes each. A new format that finds its meaning. Indeed, this should make it possible to better dig the problems of the protagonist.

What cast for the new season of Brief?

Of course, Kyan Khojandi is there, just like Baptiste Lecaplain, Bérengère Krief, Alice David, Keyvan Khojandi and Mikaël Alhawi. But who says new season says new characters. Thus, we will meet the road to Laura Felpin, Jean-Paul Rouve, Alexandre Astier and Doria Tillier. Orelsan, Gringe, Jonathan Cohen, Mister V or Freddy Gladieux are also part. But the series promises us even more surprises. Strongly!


James Paul
James Paulhttp://globaltimes18.com
JP is a expert in the field of technology, renowned for his in-depth knowledge and expertise in various Technology Field. With years of experience in the industry, providing invaluable insights and guidance to users.

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