We are used to seeing fun and entertaining Tiktok trends. But some clearly exceed the understanding. And this is the case of “Paracetamol Challenge” born in the United States which is a lot of talk in Switzerland and Belgium. Here’s what you need to know.
Vigilance is to put
The idea, in many scary respects, is to swallow a significant amount of this molecule and to compare hospitalization durations, reports Europe 1. Health professionals call on parents and teachers to be vigilant while a young American woman died following an overdose.
“Parents, teaching staff and health professionals must be aware of the dangers related to this Tiktok trend. The younger children, the greater the risks ”warns in this regard the Belgian antipotens center on its website.
And for good reason, paracetamol is likely, in the event of overdose, to cause liver lesions that can cause “A coma or death”. In less extreme cases, vomiting and stomach pains are expected. If in doubt, it is therefore immediately necessary to call 15 for rapid care of the emergency services.
In Switzerland, the health authorities preferred to take the lead. Cited by France 3 Franche-Comté Karim Boubaker, cantonal doctor, state of Vaud calls the population to “Show vigilance in the face of overconsumption of paracetamol and to react to these symptoms, especially if they appear in children or adolescents”.
He adds:
No case is known for the moment in the canton of Vaud. It’s about prevention. By knowing the resonance capacity of social networks to young people, it seemed important to us to act, to prevent and raise awareness, as are professionals and the population.
The “Door Kicking”, the frightening trend
In any case, this is not the first time that a Tiktok challenge has worried. We recently told you about the “Door Kicking” that frightened the United States. As its name suggests, Internet users film themselves kicking in the doors of certain houses and apartments, before fleeing and broadcasting their video on the platform.
The victims of this practice take the thing very badly, and the police already warn: “When people think their house or family is threatened, they can respond to protect their property or their family”.