A European savings book offering a mirobal return of 7.85%, guaranteed by the European Union, with the possibility of investing up to 50,000 euros. This is enough to make savers dream when the booklet has capped at 3%. Too beautiful to be true? Unfortunately yes. This offer is actually uN’Conae rodée who has already affected more than a million users in France and Belgium.
The mechanism is as simple as it is effective: advertisements on Facebook promise a secure placement with extraordinary yield, far beyond the current market rates. To put things in perspective, even the popular savings book (LEP), champion all categories of regulated booklets, offers “only” 4%, and this rate should even drop to 3% from February 2025.
The crooks therefore chose their timing. While inflation nibbles on the purchasing power of the French and the regulated savings rates are preparing to lower, this promise of staggering yield finds a particular echo. The fraudulent site Deliveurope.fr Pushes the vice to copy and paste the legal notices of legitimate financial sites to give itself an appearance of credibility.
A real European savings project in preparation
Behind this scam, however, hides a reality: The European Union actually works on a joint savings book project. Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz also gave their blessing to this initiative in May 2024, with a launch scheduled for 2025.
A first attempt already exists: the PEPP (Pan-European Personal Pensions Product), a kind of per on a European scale. But with only 5,000 customers, half of which in Poland, and a presence limited to four countries (excluding France), we can hardly speak of success. Why such distrust? Because the differences in taxation between member countries are a real headache that slows down the development of such a savings book.
For the time being, booklet A and LEP (for those who can claim it) remain the most profitable savings means among risk -free products. For savers wishing to access higher yields, PEA (shares) and ETF remain references. But the risk level is higher. Finally, the most players can also turn to cryptocurrencies with a very high risk level, these currencies being highly volatile.
- The promise of a 7.85%European savings book, particularly targeting 40-65 year olds, spreads on Facebook
- It is in fact a scam even if a real European savings project is under study
- Booklet A and LEP remain the safest savings means but their yields will drop in 2025 (2.5% for booklet A and 3% for LEP)