These 2.1 million French people wanted to play, they will finally pay more expensive

The energy regulation commission (CRE) has just formalized a measure that will make the last opponents of the communicating meter cringe. To justify their maintenance in the old system, They will now have to get their hands on the wallet. A decision that may well tip some reluctant.

The price of the resistance: almost 40 euros per year to keep its old counter

The 2.1 million French households which still refuse the Linky counter will have to pay an additional 6.48 euros every two months from August 1, 2025. This additional contribution will represent an annual cost of 38.88 euros.

The invoice could even increase for the most recalcitrant. Farm households that do not regularly transmit their consumption statements or do not make an appointment for the next generation will see their note climbing an additional 4.14 euros every two months. In total, these consumers will pay 63.72 euros per year to maintain their anti-Linky position.

Enedis justifies this increase by specific costs linked to the management of traditional meters. The company must indeed maintain dedicated information systems, organize foot surveys, carry out manual checks and manage a particular customer relationship for these specific cases.

When the refusal can become more expensive than the installation

Some opponents of Linky could finally pay more than if they had accepted the new counter. In particular, it allows invoicing based on actual consumption and no longer on estimates. Only, before the testimonies of people who have seen their invoice explode after the installation of the Linky counter, Not sure that an invoice of just over 60 euros per year is sufficient to change the most recalcitrant opinion.

It was also possible for us to note that the argument of better control of consumption and therefore a general decrease in invoices by Enedis is not absolutely not effective in the figures.

The new deal with hollow hours, an asset for Linky holders?

The reform of off -peak hours scheduled for November 2025 may well give an additional advantage to Linky users. The new slots, wedged on solar production, will allow substantial savings for those who will adapt their consumption. Owners of electric vehicles, in particular, will be able to benefit from advantageous rates during the beaches 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 11 p.m.

The CRE hopes that this new pricing, combined with the advantages of the Linky system, will convince the latest refractory. With 37.3 million devices already installedthe green counter has become the standard, allowing significant economies of scale in the management of the French electricity network.

  • The homes without Linky will pay 38.88 euros per year more from August 2025
  • This sum can increase to 63.72 euros for those who do not transmit their statements
  • The new pricing of off -peak hours will make the Linky potentially more advantageous from November 2025

James Paul
James Paul
JP is a expert in the field of technology, renowned for his in-depth knowledge and expertise in various Technology Field. With years of experience in the industry, providing invaluable insights and guidance to users.

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