The lonely hearts seem to detach themselves more and more from the meeting applications. After a peak in popularity during the 2020 health crisis, it is the tumble. Dating applications are less attractive. Their users are fewer and fewer and those who are ready to pay to find shoes at their foot are even rarer.
In recent months, the observation is unequivocal: the expectations of singles have evolved and they have been looking for more authenticity and the magic of meetings in real life. What meeting applications have completely hampered in recent years. So much so that the most popular meeting application is neither hinge, nor Tinder, nor Bumble … it’s Instagram.
Instagram, new meeting app?
If publishing on Instagram is now cheesy, flirting on the social network is not at all. On the contrary! According to data from the Rizz application reported by Business Insidersingles abandon the dating applications to court on Instagram.
Rizz is a new application that prides itself on simplifying the dredge. This seduction coach powered by artificial intelligence (and more precisely by Chatgpt) helps singles develop relevant and not too embarrassing responses. Just import the screenshots of the conversation so that Rizz generates effective answers. Today, 500,000 people actively use Rizz, which is much cheaper than a real seduction coach.
Thus, this new application has a lot of data concerning the dating market. And according to Rizz, everything takes place on Instagram. Indeed, 22% of screenshots imported by users come from Instagram. This represents an increase of 8% compared to the previous year. Imessage and WhatsApp are acclaimed, with respective percentages of 15% and 11%.
What about dating applications in all of this? 11% of the screenshots imported on Rizz come from Tinder and only 10% come from Hinge. As for Bumble, there is a question of 4%.
Of course, it must be taken into account that many people who met on a meeting application quickly switch to a social network or a messaging application to facilitate their exchanges. However, Rizz’s data demonstrate that Instagram is becoming a privileged platform to find love. When you know that singles are increasingly tired of meeting applications, it makes sense.
On meeting applications, you have the impression of doing your market by navigating through an extremely rich catalog with always more profiles. If these platforms seduce less, it is possible that it is because they offer too much information immediately on a person. When you meet someone in real life, you don’t have a CV in front of our eyes with their name, size and what she is looking for. By dint of discussing, the person reveals himself as and when and the links are strengthened. It may be this point that charms more and more users looking for love.
Read also – I tested the Hinge meeting app, and I found love as promised