The US Navy is known to house the most formidable military planes in its hangars that man has ever designed. Whether he is intended for hunting or attack (F/A-18 Super Hornet, F-35C Lightning II) or surveillance (E-2 Hawkeye, EA-18g Growler), the United States War Navy is firmly endowed and remains the most powerful air army in the world.
Among this gigantic fleet sleeps an aircraft with extraordinary capacities, carrying a nickname with biblical resonances. The Boeing E-6 Mercury or E-6B, sometimes nicknamed ” The plane of the Last Judgment », Nevertheless never steals, but if it is one day sent to the air; excluding training and if the circumstances require it; Its devastating potential would be absolutely insane.

The plane of the last resort
The Boeing E-6 Mercury, although it shares the appearance of a traditional airliner (the Boeing 707-320), is actually a highly specialized platform. Despite its imposing look; Although less than the giant 747-8; He is not a bomber, but its role for the United States in the event of terrestrial chaos is fundamental.
It is not equipped with offensive weapons; The E-6B is responsible for the transmission of launch orders to nuclear machine launcher submarines (SNLE), thus ensuring the ability to response from the USA. It is part of the American “nuclear triad”, which includes intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), bombers and SNLE.
E6 B is therefore a gigantic flying relay, purely defensive and dissuasive; And if a nuclear conflict were to be triggered, it could transmit the presidential orders to the SNLE, Thus triggering a devastating nuclear strike.
The US Navy is currently operating a fleet of sixteen E-6Bs, the final version of a program initially called Hermes. These flying behemoths, the first copy of which took off in February 1987, gradually replaced the venerable EC-130Q in their mission “Tacamo” (tAKE Load and move out). In other words: take over from the national command in the event of destruction of the ground command centers and ensure the continuity of operations and the transmission of orders.
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A Messenger of the powerful and autonomous apocalypse
Modernized in version B from October 1998, the apparatus inherited from the functions formerly devoted to the EC-135C of the US Air Force, nicknamed ” Looking Glass »: A reference to their ability to Reflect land command centers.
With its 45.82 m in length, its 45.2 m wingspan, and its four turbojets CFM56-2A-2, this tune giant can maintain a cruising speed of 843 km/h at 12,192 m altitude. Its autonomy is simply astounding: 12,200 km without refuelingextendable up to 72 hours in flight if it is supplied. This allows the E-6B to cover large ocean areas, guaranteeing communication with the SNLE wherever they are on the planet.
Military aviation, in particular American, full of devices with very evocative nicknames. US Air Force’s Lockheed F-104, sadly named ” Widowmaker “(” Widow’s maker ») Due to its high accident rate, which has led to the loss of many pilots. The Fairchild Republic A-10, nicknamed ” Warthog “(” phacochère ” ), evokes its not very graceful silhouette, but its formidably effective armament against the armored vehicles. Boeing B-52 Stratotortress, called ” Buff ” For ” Big ugly fat fellow “(” fat “, Or ” ugly beast », Translated more literally) symbolizes the raw American punching power since the 1950s.
However, none has a name as heavy as the Boeing E-6 Mercury. His nickname ” Plane of the Last Judgment Is not usurped, referring to the eschatological event (linked to the end of the world or the end of time) where God will judge humanity at the end of time in the Christian tradition. Its takeoff in operational configuration would probably mean that the world as we know it touches its end. Its simple existence dissuades any potential adversary, aware that even a surprise attack would be enough to prevent a second strike.
- The American Boeing E-6 Mercury ensures the transmission of launch orders to the SNLE in the event of destruction of land command centers.
- Capable of flying up to 72 hours with supplies, it guarantees the continuity of military communications, even in the midst of a global crisis.
- Called ” The plane of the Last Judgment “, Its flight in real situations would mean that humanity is on the verge of total chaos.