After Free, SFR, or France Work and E.Leclerc, it is the Tour of La Poste to be affected by a massive data leak. Here is everything you need to know about the risks involved and the precautions you need to take.
The origin of the leak was spotted
At the end of February, the alert was indeed given concerning the sale of personal data from La Poste customers on a Pirate site. The cybercriminal in question uses the pseudo “H4TR3D W0RLD” and it has put compromised information that would have been recovered on February 25. They included: names, first names, ages, genres, electronic addresses, telephone numbers and postal addresses of the users concerned.
Since this alert, the public enterprise has investigated the incident, and it found that the breach emanated from the “stamp election” site. This portal was then stopped. By going there, we come across the message:
Dear participant/dear participant, due to maintenance work, the site election site is temporarily unavailable. We are actively working to restore service as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Caution for concerned customers
La Poste has also taken care to alert 50,000 customers affected by data leakage. The company specifies the affected information which does not differ from the initial reports:
- First and last name
- Email address
- Mailing address
- Year of birth
- Phone number (if applicable)
It aims to be reassuring and specifies that no given bank or password have been stolen. The company also warned the CNIL and filed a complaint in order to investigate the incident, in accordance with the rules in force.
That said, affected users have every interest in remaining vigilant. And for good reason, according to post, we can expect an increase in phishing cases. Indeed, users could receive fraudulent emails or sms usurping the identity of the company. You should also know that no post advisor will ask you to provide your passwords or other confidential information by phone. If this is the case, this is most likely a scam.
What to remember:
- 50,000 La Poste customers were victims of a data leakage
- The company identified the origin of the breach
- She calls for her users to be cautious about the risks of phishing that would usurp her identity